
In the neon hustle and bustle of the city,


The most primitive sense of security.









The past has never actually happened, and the future has passed us by.




“The current state is like the same abstract machine, which encapsulates the object in the repetition of the object and launches it into orbit, which eliminates all negativity and the possibility of thinking. We are lost in it and become an outsider.” 









Encounters and events may disappear as quickly as fragments in the memory, but space faithfully records the dissipated information, stored in each stone on the wall, in each metal gap, information, and those scraps are prepared to enter the final sleep.





The light softens the hard space concept









The distance between people produces the long-awaited temperature in the compression of the space. Hundreds of millions of years flowed quietly in the cracks of the stones, and thousands of particles penetrated each body.









After people gradually become sophisticated, especially after they have a strong self, they can accept that the breadth of life in this world will become wider. It is not a kind of softness, it is a representation of a harder self. Only when the self becomes harder and harder can we face the world more tolerantly and relaxedly.





The change of visual media angle









An elegant arc drawn in the space is accidental. It is normal for a satellite to move slowly in its orbit. The huge shadow blocked the rising starlight on the horizon, and the earth was silent in the darkness…








Everything is accidental. A stone is selected accidentally, obtained accidentally, and accidentally broken. Everything is accidental. Cherish the stone when it is not broken, and see clearly when it is broken, “It turns out that the stone is also soft.”





Specious suspension









The sense of decadence, wilderness, and loneliness are accompanied by the sun in different forms, and the body becomes more isolated here. Constantly appearing lights guide the direction like stars and moons, the walls on the left and right sides are two rivers of light, and at the end is nothingness. This emptiness is like a piece of room in life, adjust the rhythm, can advance or retreat.





Superimposing the same elements continuously deepens the sense of depth








The rough glass reflects the sky. The stones attach to the surface of the earth. When passing by, if you look down at the ground, the sky and the ground are compressed in the same plane. At this moment, the body of the overlooker is placed outside the sky and the earth.