
This is the permutation and combination of boxes.


It is infinite change.









Since the infiniteness of a sequence is precise, that it can never be completed through successive synthesis. Thus, an infinite loss of world sequence is impossible.









Let us assume that the world has no beginning in time, then until each given point in time, there is an eternity that has flowed. Thus, an infinite sequence of successive states of things in the world has passed. But since the infinity of a sequence just lies in that it can never be completed through successive synthesis, so an infinitely elapsed world sequence is impossible.





Man is a creature facing the future


The boundary of the future is never simple









A space structure that can be replaced at any time, sometimes full of pillars and sometimes empty space. In this way, space will be an infinitely given whole with all things that exist at the same time. Since we cannot conceive of a quantity that is not given within a certain intuitive boundary in any other way, but only through the synthesis of various parts, and only through complete synthesis or repeated addition of the unit itself can we imagine such a total quantity.





Each cabinet is a unique combination





Immersed and lost in the infinite sequence space









In order to conceive the world that fills all spaces as a whole, the successive synthesis of the parts of an infinite world must be regarded as completed. That is, an infinite time must be seen as lost by counting all coexisting things. And this is impossible.




空间结构灵活布局  随时改变布局

Flexible layout of space structure, change the layout at any time









Each line always implies and follows another line—its mirror image, shadow, or stand-in. The frame creates a tension between inclusion and exclusion.





The mirror world at the end of space


It makes people feel like being in between the towering buildings








The latent infinity is a sequence that excludes completion and infinite extension. It is an endless homogenous continuum. There is no difference between sequenced individuals. It is impossible to assert that a certain position is an end. It has no cognitive significance, not a concept. It’s just an extension and imagination of potential experience. The real infinity is the infinity of completion and conceptual grasping. It promises heterogeneity, including boundaries and endings. As above, as an organic whole, it also means that experience is accessible, meaning understanding, cognition and judgment. It is a holistic view from a holistic perspective, rather than a potentially extended experience.